Joanna Slodownik

Author of Fiction and Non-Fiction Books for Kids and Adults
Blogger, Green Smoothie Addict, Vegan for the Animals and the Planet

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How to Make Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love!

How to Make Delicious Green Smoothies That Your Family Will Love!

Let’s face it – with our busy schedules, we don’t always have time to sit down and eat a healthy salad or prepare proper healthy dishes that the whole family would enjoy.
So I have a solution for you!
Super-easy green smoothie recipes.
Choose one that you like and whip up a quick green smoothie for yourself (and your family). It will give you energy, and fill your belly for a couple of hours with all the right foods.
It doesn’t get much easier than that!

15+ Great Books for Tween and Teen Boys (That Even Their Parents and Sisters May Enjoy)

15+ Great Books for Tween and Teen Boys (That Even Their Parents and Sisters May Enjoy)

I realize I’m not the intended audience for these books—I’m not a boy, and I’m well past school age (by a lot), so take this list with a grain of salt. However, I’m an omnivorous reader, and appreciate a good story and writing of all sorts. I found that I enjoyed reading these books (and even writing some of them, if you scroll to the very bottom), and I hope you will, too.

Green Smoothie Recipe with Home-Made Grape Juice (From Self-Grown Grapes!)

Green Smoothie Recipe with Home-Made Grape Juice (From Self-Grown Grapes!)

I really wonder why more people don’t grow fruits and veggies in their backyards in the U.S. It’s so easy and so much fun! I know some people do, but really it’s a tiny percentage. Considering that so much time is spent mowing the lawns, and so much water to keep them green – why not have some culinary enjoyment instead of simply a good looking – but totally useless – piece of land.

So, after the last visit from działka I came home with three large baskets full of deliciously sweet dark grapes.

About Joanna Slodownik

Book Author of Fiction and Non-Fiction for Kids and Adults

Green Smoothie Addict, Vegan for the Animals

Joanna Slodownik writes fiction and non-fiction books for children and adults that inspire, entertain and educate the readers of all ages. When she’s not writing and plotting her books and stories, she rides her bike around town, makes green smoothies and juices, and cooks delicious vegan meals for her family. During those activities, she constantly brainstorms ideas how to help the animals and the environment. Joanna’s books contain content that goes straight to your heart, and may cause you to take actions with unforeseeable, long-lasting, life-changing consequences…so CONSIDER YOURSELF WARNED!

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