by Joanna Slodownik | Nov 3, 2022 | Activism, Animals, Books, Rants, Traditions, vegan
As the holiday time is getting closer, I’m re-posting this piece, which I wrote a few years back. “The Great Silence” by Ted Chiang is a story about the Earthly creatures we fail to hear. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking at times, but overall ends on a...
by Joanna Slodownik | Oct 9, 2022 | Activism, Animals, Blog, Front, vegan
It is vitally important that we set clear, specific and achievable goals, set a time horizon for their implementation, and then unite around these goals and focus our actions on putting them into practice. Change is happening, but not fast enough. We are not united,...
by Joanna Slodownik | Oct 8, 2022 | Activism, Blog, Front, vegan
Don’t know what the Plant Treaty is? It’s okay. I only recently learned about it, too! It’s an incredibly important initiative that sets ambitious goals to slow the environmental degradation of our planet and the warming of the climate that is caused...
by Joanna Slodownik | Oct 8, 2022 | Activism, Animals, Blog, Front, pl, vegan
Nie wiesz co to jest Traktat Roślinny? Ja też dopiero niedawno o nim się dowiedziałam! Jest to niezwykle ważna inicjatywa, która wyznacza ambitne cele spowolnienia degradacji środowiska naturalnego naszej planety i ocieplenia klimatu spowodowanego naszą dietą, a w...
by Joanna Slodownik | Mar 11, 2016 | Blog, vegan
Do you want to do MORE for the animals? Are you wondering how YOU can help? Could you perhaps be making a BIGGER DIFFERENCE in the world while also living the life of your dreams? If you want to be inspired, look at those who are ALREADY doing it – and are...
by Joanna Slodownik | Feb 18, 2016 | Front, pl, Rants, vegan
Zapraszam do sluchania audycji”W imieniu tych co glosu nie maja. Weganizm podbija swiat” Oczywiscie tytul audycji: ‘Weganizm podbija swiat’ jest nieco przewrotny i mocno na wyrost. Jest to tak zwane ‘wishful thinking’ – myślenie życzeniowe –...