Hi there!..I’m so happy you’ve decided to take action. Here is DOWNLOAD:
Blog-(or Social Media Profile)-to-Book-in-a-Week! DOWNLOAD
To save, right click on the file and save it to your computer.
Keep writing, keep blogging, keep publishing!
Also, there is something else
that I’d like to share with you….
I invite you to take your #VeganHustle to the next level by joining my online community – a TRIBE of Kicka$$ Vegan bloggers, authors, coaches, creators, artists, teachers, educators, entrepreneurs, business owners, activists, and simply individuals with a strong desire to help the animals and make this world a better place for all; which is a place where I’ll personally kick your butt into taking action – giving you information, motivation and inspiration to do more, be more, make more…. including:
* how to write and publish MORE books FAST, so you finally become a PUBLISHED AUTHOR (and a BESTSELLING one to boot); and not just one book where you cram all your wisdom, and then you’re done, but a whole LOT of BOOKS, the whole SERIES, your legacy – and you never run out of ideas – and get them out to the world quickly.
* how to be posting MORE content on social media CONSISTENTLY and ON AUTO-PILOT, taking your profile pages and feeds from average or boring to AWESOME, regularly posting content that educates, inspires, motivates and entertains, so you build a huge following of thousands or maybe even MILLIONS across the world and become a STAR and an INFLUENCER on social media (and promote your books as well);
*how to create a LIFE and a LIFESTYLE with a PASSION and PURPOSE THAT FUELS YOUR SOUL and inspires you to JUMP OUT OF BED every morning with enthusiasm and joy (no matter how tough and depressing things around you may seem), and generally become a FORCE FOR GOOD in this world TO BE RECKONED WITH….
Plus much more….
Visit this page to learn more or just go HERE to JOIN THE TRIBE NOW.
When you join, you’ll receive the TRIBE newsletter with actionable items, motivational materials, tools and tactics, as well as participate in awesome challenges – for just $97 per year (or about $8 per month) PLUS — for a limited time you’ll get a special BONUS — to all members I’m offering two strategy sessions via Skype or Facebook to help you figure out the next steps — to get your customized ROADMAP to becoming the FORCE FOR GOOD in this world ONLINE (since that’s my specialty), to start BUILDING A PLATFORM (start a blog, publish your book, start a podcast, start a social media revolution – or whatever else you feel like doing), and BE MAKING A DIFFERENCE (and money) that you always knew you’d make.
As a part of the TRIBE, I’ll guide you through the entire process of writing and publishing a book, giving you lots of tips showing you the best shortcuts I know of on how to get published FAST – it’s available to you when you join the TRIBE.
It took me many years of writing my blog before I published my first book. I don’t want you to wait that long! Since then I published several books, including a few recipe books, children non-fiction books, one poetry and several related to online marketing.
My Promise to You: I’ll guide through the entire process, so that you get that book FINISHED and PUBLISHED on Amazon Kindle. I will also provide you with shortcuts and help you come up with content so that you have plenty of it — even if you don’t like to write, or believe you cannot write. However, I will not write the book for you….which is why I need you to read my disclaimer…
Disclaimer: You’ll still need to do the work, so don’t sign up unless you are ready to make the commitment of allocating a couple of hours each week to this project.
Remember, nothing will happen until you take action!
Keep writing, keep publishing, keep sharing your message.
Green Reset Formula
RESET your health, body and spirit — beginning with
some DELICIOUSLY YUMMY, SUPER EASY to prepare, and QUICK to make— smoothies and juices; Deliciously Compassionate Vegan Soup Recipes, and MORE.
Remember, there is no time to waste, and no time like the PRESENT.
Take action now and have your book published in just a few weeks.
Whether you decide to join the tribe and get my help, or do it on your own — TAKE ACTION NOW!
If not you, then who?
If not now, then when?
Let’s change the world together, SOONER rather than LATER.
More Reading To Get You Inspired
7+ Reasons Why EVERY Vegan Blogger Simply MUST Write and Publish a Book — Starting TODAY!)
15+ Topic Ideas for Your Vegan Blog or Book: Beyond Vegan Recipes
How to Write A Book FAST: Interview with Camilla Kristiansen, Success and Style Coach
Also, keep checking this page (joannaslodownik.com) and your email for more materials and videos.
If you have questions or want some feedback — friend me and PM me on Facebook (– and don’t forget to like the page too while you’re there :-))
You may also email me at joanna@worldgoesvegan.com — but I warn you that my email box is very full, so it may take me a while to respond (I must get better organized, I know, I promise!