by Joanna Slodownik | Oct 8, 2022 | Activism, Animals, Blog, Front, pl, vegan
Nie wiesz co to jest Traktat Roślinny? Ja też dopiero niedawno o nim się dowiedziałam! Jest to niezwykle ważna inicjatywa, która wyznacza ambitne cele spowolnienia degradacji środowiska naturalnego naszej planety i ocieplenia klimatu spowodowanego naszą dietą, a w...
by Joanna Slodownik | Sep 28, 2022 | Activism, Blog, Front, Online Marketing, Rants
I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling this STRONG DESIRE INSIDE OF ME THAT’S LITERALLY LIKE FIRE to do more and be more — write more, publish more, record more, create more, inspire more, teach more ….. — but being an incurable introvert that...
by Joanna Slodownik | Apr 8, 2016 | Activism, Blog, Front, Marketing, Online Marketing, Social Media, vegan
(CONFESSION: In the spirit of full disclosure, I admit that my profiles totally suck, so don’t think I’m being nasty here. I wrote this post all the way back in 2016, and I’m talking to myself TODAY in 2022 as much as—or maybe MORE THAN—I’m...